Seriously now. Could the media be any more biased and liberal.....this election race is bringing out the worst in our Media as we know it......I know, I know you who are reading (if there are any reading :) ) are probably shaking your heads at me, but hear me out. Everything in the media sans Fox News makes conservative America look like a bunch of close-minded, biggots. I'm sick of it. I am all for believing in what you believe in, God gave us the choice to choose for a reason. My issue is with the TV, Web and Print making anyone who is pro-life, pro-ethics, pro-morals, pro-Jesus seem like a long lost idealist bunch of freak-o's. Why are my beliefs any less valid than someone who believes in abortion, socialized health care and is against the war? Why is it that because I feel passionate and want to stand for something that stirs me deeply so wrong in the eyes of those against me? If they can have thier "open-minded" platform than they need to embrace it, live your words and understand that open-mindedness means accepting those who believe in all the things they oppose. Just like those of "us" who are "stuck in the past" have been forced to accept a world that is spinning out of control because of a liberal agenda that has been pushed to the maximum.
I'm tired of loggin on and seeing jargon making one party look like a dated, un-educated, biased grouping while the other is glorified for.......what exactly? Partial birth abortions,a new national anthem that "won't offend" the world, a promise of middle class wealth (that never actually comes to pass) and the false hope that life as we know it can and will be so much better. Lets play fair and use the technology and outlets we have to promote the facts (haha, I guess that's hard when it comes to politics) and stay away from branding a catagory of people as "a lost cause." America is diverse for a reason, we have a past, we have a foundation, a set of ideals that we were created upon. I'm all for change and being culturally relevant, but lets take a second to remember where we are headed, and where we come from.
Okay, I'm off my soap box for now, but I feel better, got it off my chest! :)