Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Enough Excuses

Okay, Okay, OKAY! I've stated that the beginning of this year a "resolution" if you will, would be to "get back to getting fit!" Cruz was 2 months old when I decided this and now he is 3.5 and I am not "back to fit" YET... ENOUGH with the excuses! This is not a resolution, this is a lifestyle and I am 29, I better get it figured out before more life passes me by and it is not my lifestyle! SO no more resolutions, no more excuses.  Time to set goals and meet, then surpass them.  Thank you Pinterest for your "fitness" pins because I feel like a slacker and I also feel inspired!  So, I'm putting this out there and now I gotta do it NOW!
Addison is on board too, for the last week she has asked me every single day "Mama, when can we work out!?!" We did one workout 2 weeks ago and she put on her shorts and purple tennis shoes and joined me for almost the entire workout! Now if that isn't motivation, I don't know what is.  Time to make that little girl proud! hehehe...

So here I go, on to setting myself up for success!

 Time to get busy!

So, check in with me, see how I'm progressing and keep me accountable until I don't need any accountability but my own self!

On the flip side of this--We have be come a non-processed food family! We are eating and learning via The Daniel Plan Lifestyle Eating program and it is GOOD!!! Learn more about that here:

And check out this blog where I get TONS of recipe ideas that have proven to be delish!

Now that we have gotten the eating part down for the most part ( it doesn't mean we never get a treat).... The fitness is next! Time to get that INSANITY body back and keep it! 


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